Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee of the Innovation and Digital Transition Programme – COMPETE 2030 is the body responsible for monitoring and supervising the implementation and progress of the projects financed by the Programme, through the ERDF and ESF+.
The Committee’s main competences include analysing and approving the selection criteria for operations, analysing the results of the Programme’s implementation and the conclusions and recommendations of the evaluations, approving the Programme’s final performance report, the evaluation and communication plans and any proposals to change the content of the Programme approved by the European Commission.
Chaired by the President of the Steering Committee of the Digital Innovation and Transition Programme, the Monitoring Committee meets ordinarily at least once a year and extraordinarily whenever deemed necessary by the President or requested by a majority of its members with voting rights.
Approved by the Monitoring Committee on 17 November 2023:
Selection criteria approved at the 1st and 2nd meetings
Last update to 15 de November 2024